Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our new monitor...

After searching long and hard and reading review after review - our *perfect* monitor finally came onto the market! This is the complete coverage monitor by Summer and we had to wait until January 15, 2009 for it to be released. We wanted to have the large video monitor as well as a handheld video monitor - so no matter where we are in the house, we can actually SEE him - not just hear him. Yes, we are the overprotective, paranoid parents. :)
Anyway, the monitor FINALLY came in - after ordering it months ago... and we couldn't wait to open the package and check it out! After opening it and seeing how neat it was, it occured to us that having the monitor actually meant something much bigger --- it was finally time to transition our little boy into his own room. (yes, he's been sleeping in our room up until this point). Last night was our first attempt and Zachary, nor Mommy, was too happy about this new adventure. We began a bedtime routine: a bath, followed by a baby massage, reading a bedtime story and finished up with a bottle. Zachary did pretty well, considering he's not used to being in a room alone. He did wake up a few times, but it wasn't as bad as we'd imagined. It was also not as bad on us - except for the fact that we kept our eyes glued to our new monitor screen and jumped at every sound or move he made :)
As I type this, Zachary is asleep in his room (night #2) and I have my trusty handheld video monitor right next to me ---- he is sound asleep and looks so peaceful. Let's hope tonight goes well!

Here's Daddy opening the new monitor

Baby Zachary sound asleep :)

As you can see, this is our new entertainment :)


Jennifer said...

This monitor may be the coolest thing I have ever seen. This could provide endless sources of entertainment!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh! That little baby in his crib ... finally! :)
Boy, things are surely high-tech!