That's right, our baby boy is 6 months old!
These pictures were taken on his "1/2 Birthday" - March 3, 2009.
We cannot believe the past 6 months have flown by like they have! It's a very strange feeling... on one hand, it seems like it was forever ago that we were bringing him home from the hospital and on the other hand, it seems like we've barely blinked and he's 6 months old!
Zachary has been such a blessing to our family. It's hard to remember life before Zachary was born.... he is such a wonderful addition and definitely makes life interesting! He is very easygoing, loves to add his own comments to our conversation and go everywhere that we do.
We can already tell that he's got his Daddy's daredevil streak to him --- he loves to be thrown into the air, swinging very high and loves being scared!
Here are a few things that Zachary is up to, now that he's 6 months old:
Eating Stage 1 Solid Foods. His favorites are Bananas and Sweet Potatoes.
Sleeping through the night! Yayyyy!
Zachary is VERY ticklish, especially under his arms and on his feet (just like mommy!)
He's fascinated with Lexi and Rocko. When they walk by, he laughs at them!
LOVES bathtime!
Has rolled over from his tummy to his back several times and still working on rolling over from his back to his tummy.
He loves to grab his toes :)
Zachary enjoys riding in his big boy stroller and going for walks.
He loves his new swing at Popa and Gigi's house.
He loves "talking" to people in the grocery store! It's impossible to have a Publix trip any shorter than an hour... Zachary talks to everyone!
Since he hasn't cut any teeth yet, he has the cutest "gummy smile" I've ever seen :)
We can't even imagine what the next 6 months hold for Zachary's development.... but we're sure it'll be very busy around the Yates household :)
Here are a few pictures from Zachary's 6 Month Birthday:

He's such a sweet little boy!

That's right Zachary! 6 months old! :)

Here's Zachary saying... "I Love Mommy"
awwwww :)

He LOVES playing with the dogs.... Lexi is the only one that will tolerate him, haha